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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Move It!

Help us MOVE sale!

This week is the critical time for me to decide if we are moving or not. I REALLY WANT to move. I don’t like our house, it is cold and the heating is poor, it is all electric and I am going BROKE with that, and it is older with A LOT character quirks (also known as issues!). Overall it does not meet our needs or make me happy!

I have found a house that I REALLY like and it would meet our needs great. It has EVERYTHING on my wish list, plus some! But it is a stretch to do this right now. A big step of faith!

So I thought of two things:
1)    I don’t want to move all of this inventory! It needs to sell and go to its new home!
2)    Why not have a moving sale?? It would decrease the inventory I have to move AND raise funds to help with the move!!!

So here it is for you guys!

With the coupon code MOVEIT you can save 30% on anything listed in our shop (except the two exclusions below!)

Go to our shop HERE and see what you would love to have!

And, if you share this with your friends and family, who knows what treat you might get!

Please, help us MOVE IT on over to a new house that better meets our needs!!

Not Valid on:
Quilts (quilts may be purchased for 20% off this week only using the coupon code: 20QUILT)
Orders that are made to order (like hand stamped jewelry or super hero capes) - after all I need to be packing, not making custom orders!